
Language: Deutsch, English, Português, Türk, српски
Version: 1.3.3
Price: free
Download: Klick!
Status: done + updates
Release: 20.07.2012
Updates: Click!
Codename: hf 


Supported browsers:
  - Firefox
  - Opera

YouTube HomeFilter is a Add-On for Mozilla Firefox and Opera. The Add-On filters the uploads of your subscribed channels by providing you a list of all Channels who uploaded videos in the past days. So you can view the different channels separately on the homepage of YouTube. This gives you a better overview about the latest videos and you will not miss any one. The extension is constantly under development so feel free to file a bug if you have problems or want to suggest a new feature.

Recent Sponsors:
  • Kevin P. - 5€
  • Karl F. - 10€ 
  • Angelika S. - 5.60€

File a bug  |  File a Chromium specific bug