Donate to the Youtube HomeFilter


I'm glad you downloaded and installed my Browser Add-on the YouTube HomeFilter.
I hope to improve your YouTube experience with my Extension. I'm always adjusting the code to work with the latest version of the YouTube subscriptions page. In order to do this I need to spend much of my time in the maintenance of this Extension.

If you are able and willing to show your appreciation of my Work, which I'm distributing to everyone in the World without requesting any return, I would welcome your donation to me and this Project. It will make it possible to me to give more time and energy into this Project. 

The name of the donor and if desired the amount of the donation will be listed inside every future released version of this Extension, if the amount of the donation exceeds a value of 4.99 €

Donate via the Mozilla Add-on Page

Alternative Donation Service

Thank you for showing your appreciation.

Jovan Gerodetti